The National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (NAMSS) is a marine seismic reflection data archive consisting of data acquired by or contributed to U.S. Department of the Interior agencies. The USGS is committed to preserving these data on behalf of the academic community and the nation. Data are provided with free and open access. For more information regarding NAMSS, see the about page.

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Data Visualization Video

This video highlights the publicly available seismic data on NAMSS from the Gulf of Mexico. It was was created by Alexey Portnov ( of Ohio State University. Thanks Alexey!

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Please Note

Most data are provided in SEG-Y format, (Barry, K. M., Cavers, D. A. and Kneale, C. W., 1975, Report on recommended standards for digital tape formats: GEOPHYSICS, 40, no. 02, 344-352, a copy of which can be found at: Specialized software is required to view SEG-Y data. A list of free software that can be used to visualize, analyze, and interpret 2D and 3D SEG-Y data can be found here. Data in the archive have associated metadata: at a minimum shotpoint location information in flat text files. Most surveys also have more complete metadata in the form of text reports and digital images (TIFF) of analog side-labels showing acquisition and in some cases processing parameters. Some profiles are represented by TIFF images of the reflection profile (not digital SEG-Y data). The site attempts to incorporate all metadata that were provided by the contributor. The metadata can be generated in an ISO-compatible XML template consistent with the following metadata standard: Seismic Metadata verson 1.0.

Location Information

While shotpoint location information is largely complete for all surveys, there may be gaps or erroneous locations and mismatches with the seismic traces. Not all datasets have been quality-controlled to ensure complete correlation between shotpoint locations and seismic profiles.

Suggested Citation

Triezenberg, P. J., Hart, P. E., and Childs, J. R., 2016, National Archive of Marine Seismic Surveys (NAMSS): A USGS data website of marine seismic reflection data within the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ): U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, doi: 10.5066/F7930R7P.


FGDC Metadata:Download | View

NAMSS currently holds:

704 3D seismic surveys covering 696,032 square kilometers.

596 2D seismic surveys with 34,959 tracklines covering 1,859,343 kilometers.

NAMSS is continuously updated as new surveys become available.

Web Services

Web Map Service (WMS):URL | More Information

Related Geophysical Archives

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) - CD/DVD Sets

Marine Seismic Data Center - UT Austin Jackson School of Geoscience

Marine Geoscience Data Management System - Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

National Centers for Environmental Information - Marine Geology and Geophysics

UNEP/GRID Arendal One Stop Data Shop